My Way, Ma Raison d'etre, mijn onafhankelijkheid, cerita saya, untuk saya dan untuk semua. Di antara yg jalan dan yg harus berjalan. Di sini aku memulai, di sini kan ku akhiri. Judul yang tak akan pernah pudar. Dan cerita yg mengakhiri sebuah kisah yang baru di mulai. "Het Heden is het Verleden en Wat Worden Zal" (cite from Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, 5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855).

Sunday, July 22, 2007

"On ne chosit pas d'etre Banquier On devient Banquier" Michel Pébereau (23 janvier 1942- ) Former BNP Paribas CEO.

Kalau mau tahu ceritanya, kenapa kok, aku ini jadi bankir atau investment banker atau juga Fund Manager. Wah ceritanya, udah dari dulu. Awalnya dari Kakek ayah aku, yang bernama Nico Bernhard Paul Graafland yg memulai karir beliau sebagai bankir di Nederlandsche Handel-Maatscappij Factorij -Batavia yang kemudian di gabung di Algemijn bank van Nerderland dan bergabung lagi dengan beberapa bank di negeri Belanda yang kemudian menjadi ABN AMRO sekarang. Dan kemudian ayahku co-founder bank di tahun 1960-an yang tidak sampai lama, yaitu Bank Mualim di Jawa tengah, Indonesia.
Yah...sekarang, Redland Merchant Capital Corporation is more a merchant bankers then anything else. We do Merger and Acquisition, as well as Private Equity Type transaction such as Venture Capital and even Hedge Fund.

Yap, everything is more a natural emerging process.

"The Early Beginning" : David at Boulevard du Souverain 7, at First "Redland" Office in Brussels in 1996.

David act as the Fund manager of Redland's first Private Investment Fund: "Millennium Development Investment Fund" was established to deal with the development of properties project in Jakarta Kemayoran, International Trade City Development Program, just before the Asian Financial Crisis, initiated to Fund the erection of "European House" a building linked to several prominent European based multinational companies.

Due to the Asian Financial turmoil, the fund then deviate to finance an internet based technology ventures and was actived in the Euro.NM then become Nasdaq Europe before the dotcom crash!

"Redland Hedge Fund" : A Definition? or a Natural Emerging Process?

"Batara Yudha from Bagawaskita" dan "The Art of War of Sun Tzu"

Dua cerita dan dua ilmu, yang mengutarakan kebijaksanaan dalam perang dan kehidupan yang (harus) berprikemanusian.

Sebelum, saya membahas dan di izinkan menguraikan ke dua pujangga di atas. Saya ingin mengutarakan beberapa "feelings" tentant perang!

Perang = La guerre! di bahasa perancisnya, dengan beberapa peribahasa yg pernah saya pelajari seperti;
* A la guerre comme a la guerre! (peribahasa lebih Belgisist daripada Perancis, perlu di ketahui, di Belgi, kita berbicara Perancis juga, dengan derivatifnya bahasa "Wallon"). Kalimat ini lebih menyentuh akar peribahasa dari daerah Brussels dengan bahasa dialeknya Brussellaar.
* Les hommes ne peuvent pas vivre sans la guerre! (artinya: Kita tidak bisa hidup tanpa perang!???)
Ada peribahasa latinnya juga tentant perang yg selalu saya ingat: "Si vis pacem parabellum" kalau kita mau kedamaian, kita harus siap2 perang!...again another.....

"Redland Private Equity Dictionary"

Private Equity Industry Dictionary
You can use this listing to help you understand some of the words and phrases you'll encounter while reviewing our Alternative Investment Management Program information.
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Active Commitments - An investment that has not reached the end of its legal term.
AIM - "Redland" Alternative Investment Management Program.

Benchmark - A previously agreed upon point of reference or measure used to evaluate performance.
Buyout Financing - A transaction in which a business, business unit, or company is acquired from the current shareholders (the vendor). Buyout funds are those with a strategy to acquire other businesses; this may also include mezzanine debt funds that may provide (generally subordinated) debt to facilitate financing buyouts, frequently alongside a right to some of the equity upside. Buyout financing is also known as the takeover of a company's assets and operations through the purchase of at least a controlling interest in a company's stock. The transaction usually will include a new business plan and management structure with the intent of improving the company's financial performance. Also known as corporate restructuring.

CalPERS - The California Public Employees' Retirement System.
Capital Commitment - A Limited Partner’s obligation to provide a certain amount of capital to a private equity fund for investments.
Capital Deployment - The portion of capital committed to a fund that is drawn down over time as the General Partner selects investments that meet the fund's investment mandate.
Carried Interest - A bonus entitlement accruing to an investment fund’s management company. Carried interest (typically up to 20 percent of the profits) becomes payable once the investors have achieved repayment of their original investment in the fund, plus a defined hurdle rate.
Cash In - The total capital contributed to the fund by CalPERS for the purpose of making investments and paying for the fund’s expenses and management fees.
Cash Out - The total proceeds distributed by the fund to CalPERS, which may include both return of capital and gain distributions.
Co-Investment - Investing directly in an operating company alongside a fund.
Corporate Restructuring - See buyout financing.

Direct Investment - Directly investing in an operating company, rather than investing through a partnership or fund vehicle.
Draw-Down - When investors commit themselves to back a private equity fund, all the funding may not be needed at once. Therefore, remaining capital is drawn down at a later date.
Due Diligence - For private equity professionals, due diligence can apply either narrowly to the process of verifying the data presented in a business plan or sales memorandum, or broadly as completing the investigation and analytical process that precedes a commitment to invest. The purpose is to determine the attractiveness, risks, and issues regarding a transaction with a potential investment. Due diligence should enable investment professionals to realize an effective decision process and optimize the deal terms.

Expansion Capital - The investment in established companies looking to enter new markets or expand operations.
Exit - Liquidation of holdings by a private equity fund. Among the various methods of exiting an investment are: trade sale; sale by public offering (including IPO), write-offs, repayment of preference shares or loans, sale to another venture capitalist, or sale to a financial institution.

Fund - See Limited Partnership.
Fund-of-Funds - A pooled vehicle that invests in a number of other funds or partnerships.

General Partner - The managing partner in a private equity management company who has unlimited personal liability for the debts and obligations of the Limited Partnership and the right to participate in its management. The General Partner is the intermediary between investors with capital and businesses seeking capital to grow.

No entries at this time.

Initial Public Offering (IPO) - The sale or distribution of a company’s shares to the public for the first time. An IPO of the investee company’s shares is one of the ways in which a private equity fund can exit from an investment.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) - The dollar-weighted internal rate of return, net of management fees and carried interest generated by the CalPERS investment in the fund. This return considers the daily timing of all cash flows and CalPERS cumulative fair stated value, as of the end of the reported period.
Investment Multiple - Calculation performed by adding the remaining (reported) value and the distributions received (cash out) and subsequently dividing that amount by the total capital contributed (cash in).
Investment Philosophy - The stated investment approach or focus of a management team.

J-Curve Effect - The curve realized by plotting the returns generated by a private equity fund against time (from inception to termination). The common practice of paying the management fee and start-up costs out of the first draw-down does not produce an equivalent book value. As a result, a private equity fund will initially show a negative return. When the first realizations are made, the fund returns start to rise quite steeply. After about three to five years, the interim IRR will give a reasonable indication of the definitive IRR. This period is generally shorter for buyout funds than for early-stage and expansion funds.

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Limited Partner - An investor in a Limited Partnership (i.e., private equity fund).
Limited Partnership - The legal structure used by most venture and private equity funds. The partnership is usually a fixed-life investment vehicle, and consists of a General Partner (the management firm which has unlimited liability) and Limited Partners (the investors, who have limited liability and are not involved with the day-to-day operations). The General Partner receives a management fee and a percentage of the profits. The Limited Partners receive income, capital gains, and tax benefits. The General Partner manages the partnership using policy laid down in a Partnership Agreement. The agreement also covers terms, fees, structures, and other items agreed on between the Limited Partners and the General Partner.

Management Fee - This represents management fees currently charged (typically on committed capital).
Marketable - Easily bought or sold.
Mezzanine Debt Financing - The use of subordinated debt together with equity to finance a company just prior to an IPO; invests in the subordinated debt and/or equity of privately owned companies. Investors in subordinated instruments stand behind those with senior instruments - like bonds. To enhance investment returns, the subordinated instrument may have stock conversion features such as rights, warrants, or options.

Net IRR - The dollar-weighted internal rate of return, net of management fees and carried interest generated by the CalPERS investment in the fund. This return considers the daily timing of all cash flows and CalPERS cumulative fair stated value, as of the end of the reported period.

No entries at this time.

Partnership Component - See Limited Partnership.
Private Equity - Private equity provides capital to enterprises not quoted on a stock market. Private equity can be used to develop new products and technologies, to expand working capital, to make acquisitions, or to strengthen a company’s balance sheet. It can also resolve ownership and management issues. A succession in family-owned companies, or the buyout and buy-in of a business by experienced managers, may be achieved using private equity funding.
Public Equity - Shares that trade on public exchanges or "over-the-counter."

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Remaining (Reported) Value - This is the current fair stated value for each of the investments, as reported by the General Partner of the fund.
Realized Proceeds (or Partially Realized Proceeds) - Cash and/or securities received by partner.

Subordinated Debt - Debt that is either unsecured or has a lower priority than that of another debt claim on the same asset or property (also called junior debt).

Total Exposure - Total exposure is the current reported value of investments plus the remaining amount of unfunded commitments.
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Venture Capital - Venture capital is, strictly speaking, a subset of private equity and refers to equity investments made for the launch, early development, or expansion of a business. Investments in either early-stage companies, when the capital is used for product development, or later-stage, when companies are generating revenue and expect to become profitable in the near future.
Vintage Year - The year of fund formation and first draw-down of capital.

Wilshire 2500 Ex-Tobacco + 500 bps - The CalPERS custom fund performance benchmark.
Write-Down - A reduction in the value of an investment.

No entries at this time.

No entries at this time.

No entries at this time.

Redland: "US-based Private Equity Funds" by David Darmawan, Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer

In forming a US-based private equity fund, Redland Merchant Capital Corporation must address different issues: sucs as Tax and other structuring issues at four levels: the investors level, the fund level, the portfolio investment level and the fund manager level. Redland structured itself addresses the investors tax issues that a fund sponsor will typically face when determining what type of entity the fund will be and in which jurisdiction it will be formed.
At Redland Merchant Capital Corporation, we have prepared different scenarios in the investors level issues, Tax Objectives of most US investors, Tax Objectives of Most Non-US Investors, Specific Tax Objectives of Certain Non-US Investors, Basic US Tax Regime Applicable to Non-US Investors, Specific Tax Objectives of certain US Investors.
We are studying the best entity and the best Jurisdiction for a specific scenario at our best knowledge. We do cover all factors affecting the choice of jurisdiction and its parallel Investment Structure. Its alternative Jurisdiction and Co-Investment Entities.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

"The Choosen One", "L'elu"

Mr. Rafi Sugiri, Mr. Robert Nicholas Fenton, Mr. Durry Abdurachman, Mr. David Darmawan and Mr. Pamudji Kartohadiprodjo (From Left to Right)

Mr. Adji Sarnanto, Mr. Rudy Setyo Purnomo, Mr. Durry Abdurachman and Mr. Pamudji Kartohadiprodjo

During the Extraordinary Shareholders of PT. Palm Asia Corpora Tbk. meeting at Shangrila Hotel, Jakarta-Indonesia.
From left to right : Mr. Adji Sarnanto, (formerly Redland Merchant Capital Corporation President-Director and Country Representative. Currently, Co-Chairman of Projects Executives Committee), Mr. Rudy SetyoPurnomo, (Indonesian Airlines Acting President-Director, Currently Chairman of the Indonesian MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alumny Association), Executive member of Setdco Fund Investment Committee. Mr. Dury Abdurachman, President-Commissioner PT. Redland Asia Capital Tbk., Chairman of Redland Merchant Capital Corporation, Mr. Pamudji Kartohadiprodjo, Independent Commissioner of PT. Redland Asia Capital Tbk., former Independent Comissioner of PT. Indonesia Power.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Redland "Energy"

Redland pada saat ini selalu bisa di kaitkan dengan jatuh bangunnya proyek-proyek di bidang "Energy" dalam arti kata "Energy" secara keseluruhan; Power, Oil and Gas related projects. Redland di "Chair Person" oleh Mr. Durry Abdurachman, yang boleh di katakan salah satu mantan "Charge d'affaire" or maybe "Chief Country Officer" dari beberapa Proyek-proyek Energy di bidang kelistrikan "Tractebel" (Belgian Power Conglomerate) di pertengahan tahun 90an di Indonesia. Yang di mana saat ini Tractebel dan Suez di paksa di pisahkan? oleh Uni Eropa. Saat Redland (Redland Merchant Capital Corporation) memulai penjajakan investasinya di Indonesia. Redland pun bermuara pada proyek-proyek yang besar korelasinya dengan Energy: - Proyek LNG Regasification Plant di Grati, Pasuruan, JATIM dengan Petrogas Wira Jatim (pending). - Medco Power Indonesia (MPI), anak perusahaan dari Medco Energi Internasional untuk me-refinance unit Panaran 1 & 2 di Batam (dalam proses). Sampai dengan rencana Tim manajemen PT. Redland Capital Asia Tbk. untuk lebih mempelajari kemungkinan Redland berpartisipasi di beberapa proyek2 Energy. Yang berbentuk Holding atau perusahaan induk yang akan membantu dari segi Financial structurenya! yang sudah mempunyai beberapa wacana dan riset di bidang Energi Terbarukan (Renewable Energy) dan "Waste to Energy". Beberapa pendekatan dan bahkan proses penjajakan kerja sama, telah di lakukan oleh pihak Tim Manajemen "Redland Merchant Capital Corporation" dari awal tahun 2006 untuk ikut dan berperan penting di pembangunan beberapa pembangkit tenaga listrik di Indonesia. Yang ada di dalam Program pembangunan pembangkit tenaga listrik "10.000" MW dan beberapa proses pembangunan melalui "Independent Power Producer" (IPP).

PT. Indonesia Energy Venture

Green Energy Development and Environmental friendly investments. In which Redland Merchant Capital Corporation act as the Fund Manager for overseas investors related to its Indonesian based direct investments. Chaired by Mr. John S. Karamoy (Komisaris Utama).

"Filsafat sebuah Perubahan". En; "The Philosophy of Change".

E. Economic Values O. Organizational values

This is the story of two theories.

Bagaimana tim manajemen "Redland" akhirnya di percayakan memanage satu perusahaan Publik di Indonesia. Menjadi satu tim management perusahaan terbuka (.tbk).
Yang asalnya tim management "Redland" adalah satu tim yang memanage perusahaan holding; Redland Merchant Capital Corporation yang terdaftar di Indiana, USA. Yang memulai aktivitasnya di Eropa semenjak pertengahan tahun 90an. Yang Banyak berpartisipasi aktif di bidang "angels Investing" di Era Internet Boom. Dan merintis pembentukan holding di Swiss pada saat itu. Merekonstruksi platform perbankan dan operasionalnya di Luxembourg. Di bawah bimbingan para senior-senior "redland" yg terdiri dari "GeschaaftFuhrer"nya DCCG, Deutsche Clearing Und Counter Trade GmbH; Mr. Wolf Tawakol. Di bawah naungan salah satu pendiri "Redland" dan Komisaris Utama "PT. Redland Asia Capital Tbk." saat ini, Mr. Durry Abdurachman yang pada saat itu juga menjabat sebagai Chairman dari A&R (Assesment & Research) Indonesia European Union Development Cooperation. Di bawah kendali ilmiah Hugues-Pierre Baum Ph.d, Redland pun bekerja sama dan menuai ilmu dengan senior bankers yg berasal dari Fortis (Mr. Pierre-Henry Luc d'Enrard, he was Chief ALM; Chief Asset and Liabilities Management) Barclays Bank; Private banking (Mr. Philippe Coulon), senior dari perusahaan sekuritas seperti former Deustsche Bank Securities (Mr. Bernard Miche, former Belgian Chief Executive Officer).
"Redland" pada akhirnya kembali ke tanah air tercinta, dengan konsep "Financial Engineering" yg berbasiskan "Private Equity" (Venture Capital dan Hedge Fund linked) yg menciptakan satu "Joint Venture Investment Banking Network".

"Redland" is a story of people. A university of LIFE, a BANK of Hope and willingness and the maker and the machine of DREAM. Together, we'll make it happen! Empire in the making.

"Redland" is a network of people. People who make "Redland" as it is Today!

"People who filled Redland with Emotion".


Moi, je...

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Educated in Europe since 1991-2004, Athenee-Royale de Watermael-Boitsfort, Ecole d'Analystes-Programmeur, EuroData, Ecole Pratique de Haute Etude Commerciale (EPHEC), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), United Business Institute (UBI) Brussels, Ecole Belge de Banquiers, European Banking Academy, Luxembourg. Working in the field of IT and Private banking for several years linked with several emminents European based Financial Institutions such as Societe Generale de Banque (Fortis), Banque Bruxelles Lambert (ING), Rotschild Banque Privee Luxembourg, S.A. Swiss, Barclays Bank, back to Indonesia in 2004, currently, Direktur Utama (Managing Director), PT. Redland Asia Capital Tbk. IDX:PLAS, Redland Merchant Capital Corporation, Chief Visionary Officer (formerly, Chief Operating Officer). A learner by Doing (autodidact) Born as Financial Engineer. Work as natural merchant banker. Try to live as a humble creation of God.

The Merchant Bankers, Cyber b@nk, Reputation, e-Finance, New Economy