My Way, Ma Raison d'etre, mijn onafhankelijkheid, cerita saya, untuk saya dan untuk semua. Di antara yg jalan dan yg harus berjalan. Di sini aku memulai, di sini kan ku akhiri. Judul yang tak akan pernah pudar. Dan cerita yg mengakhiri sebuah kisah yang baru di mulai. "Het Heden is het Verleden en Wat Worden Zal" (cite from Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, 5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855).

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Redland: "US-based Private Equity Funds" by David Darmawan, Vice-President & Chief Operating Officer

In forming a US-based private equity fund, Redland Merchant Capital Corporation must address different issues: sucs as Tax and other structuring issues at four levels: the investors level, the fund level, the portfolio investment level and the fund manager level. Redland structured itself addresses the investors tax issues that a fund sponsor will typically face when determining what type of entity the fund will be and in which jurisdiction it will be formed.
At Redland Merchant Capital Corporation, we have prepared different scenarios in the investors level issues, Tax Objectives of most US investors, Tax Objectives of Most Non-US Investors, Specific Tax Objectives of Certain Non-US Investors, Basic US Tax Regime Applicable to Non-US Investors, Specific Tax Objectives of certain US Investors.
We are studying the best entity and the best Jurisdiction for a specific scenario at our best knowledge. We do cover all factors affecting the choice of jurisdiction and its parallel Investment Structure. Its alternative Jurisdiction and Co-Investment Entities.

1 comment:

David of Redland said...

at "Redland Private Equity Fund" the minimum investment period is 8 years, this is due to our tax structures in which provides an added advantages and more combination was made to our fund structures besides the tax advantages just look at if more information is needed or just email me at


Moi, je...

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Educated in Europe since 1991-2004, Athenee-Royale de Watermael-Boitsfort, Ecole d'Analystes-Programmeur, EuroData, Ecole Pratique de Haute Etude Commerciale (EPHEC), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), United Business Institute (UBI) Brussels, Ecole Belge de Banquiers, European Banking Academy, Luxembourg. Working in the field of IT and Private banking for several years linked with several emminents European based Financial Institutions such as Societe Generale de Banque (Fortis), Banque Bruxelles Lambert (ING), Rotschild Banque Privee Luxembourg, S.A. Swiss, Barclays Bank, back to Indonesia in 2004, currently, Direktur Utama (Managing Director), PT. Redland Asia Capital Tbk. IDX:PLAS, Redland Merchant Capital Corporation, Chief Visionary Officer (formerly, Chief Operating Officer). A learner by Doing (autodidact) Born as Financial Engineer. Work as natural merchant banker. Try to live as a humble creation of God.

The Merchant Bankers, Cyber b@nk, Reputation, e-Finance, New Economy