My Way, Ma Raison d'etre, mijn onafhankelijkheid, cerita saya, untuk saya dan untuk semua. Di antara yg jalan dan yg harus berjalan. Di sini aku memulai, di sini kan ku akhiri. Judul yang tak akan pernah pudar. Dan cerita yg mengakhiri sebuah kisah yang baru di mulai. "Het Heden is het Verleden en Wat Worden Zal" (cite from Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, 5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855).

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How to come back

How to come back

Our interviews with some 300 derailed CEOs and other professionals, as well as our scholarly leadership research, consulting assignments, and personal experiences, have brought to light five key steps for rebounding from career disaster. Anyone trying to recover from a catastrophic setback can use these steps to match, or even exceed, their past accomplishments:

* Decide how to fight back. Pyrrhic victories will hurt you by calling attention to the accusations leveled against you. But when your reputation is unfairly damaged, you must take quick action.

* Recruits others into battle. Friends and family can provide comfort and perhaps, some perspective in your hour of need. But acquaintances may be more important in landing the next job.

* Recover your heroic status. Deposed leaders are often advised to sign nondisparagement agreements. Don’t do it. Engange instead in a multitiered campaign to clear your reputation and restore your stature.

* Prove your mettle. After suffering career disaster, you will probably have doubts about your ability to get back to the top. You must overcome that insecurity and in the process find the courage to prove to others – and yourself- that you have not lost your magic touch.

* Rediscover your heroic mission. It is the single minded pursuit of a lasting legacy that sets great leaders apart. To recover from a disastrous setback, find a new heroic mission that renews your passion and creates new meaning in your life.

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Moi, je...

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Educated in Europe since 1991-2004, Athenee-Royale de Watermael-Boitsfort, Ecole d'Analystes-Programmeur, EuroData, Ecole Pratique de Haute Etude Commerciale (EPHEC), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), United Business Institute (UBI) Brussels, Ecole Belge de Banquiers, European Banking Academy, Luxembourg. Working in the field of IT and Private banking for several years linked with several emminents European based Financial Institutions such as Societe Generale de Banque (Fortis), Banque Bruxelles Lambert (ING), Rotschild Banque Privee Luxembourg, S.A. Swiss, Barclays Bank, back to Indonesia in 2004, currently, Direktur Utama (Managing Director), PT. Redland Asia Capital Tbk. IDX:PLAS, Redland Merchant Capital Corporation, Chief Visionary Officer (formerly, Chief Operating Officer). A learner by Doing (autodidact) Born as Financial Engineer. Work as natural merchant banker. Try to live as a humble creation of God.

The Merchant Bankers, Cyber b@nk, Reputation, e-Finance, New Economy